Fadeyi Micheal Olugbenga
3 min readSep 9, 2023

The Lekki Peninsular is a haven for the wealthy and super rich. A piece of land bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Lagos Lagoon, it connects to the Lagos island, another busy location, and potentially the biggest CBD in Lagos State. It is be safe to say it is the area of choice for the wealthy and affluent to live.

Fittingly called “Eti Osa” in Yoruba, which translates to “by the Lagoon”. All is not as it seems on the Peninsular and like every society, it has its common crimes, criminals and favourite scams.. A collection of Avant Garde structures, deluxe apartments, private properties with incredibly opulent homes, it is a prime destination for visitors seeking to explore Nigeria without encountering its associated socio-economic struggles.. Most arterial roads are paved, however badly and Lekki is resplendent with cinemas, bistros, beaches, fast-food eateries, classy restaurants e.t.c

These local and international tourists are the targets of scammers and fraudsters who lay in ambush for their prey. As all “secluded rich men’s turfs “are, accommodation and temporary lodging cost an arm and a tooth. With the Nigerian economy experiencing its worst retraction since independence, choice apartment prices had spiked with over 50% increase in pricing. On some weekends, it becomes a daunting task to secure a luxury apartment for a peaceful weekend getaway. Agents who run these apartments by proxy surreptitiously increase the price as demand increases. It is just basic economy.

The desperation of tourist drives them to pay way above premium to secure a luxury apartment for the weekend, a fee which is usually 25–30% of the rent is collected to be return after the lodger checks out, dependent on damages incurred during their stay. If nothing is damaged, the funds are returned at the most 48hours after check out.

Tobito an alias of one of the agent that works for these apartment owners.(Oluwatobiloba Jonah Sokeun) With link to other apartment leasing agents, developers and realtors on the peninsular, he acts as a middle-man between customers and apartment owners. Money is paid to his account and then he secures an apartment for the client and handles all payment. Here is where Tobito(A major Lekki Scammer)scams his customers. At the expiration of the lease, most customers exit the peninsular and, in some cases, the country. The payment for the collateral damages is never returned. Incessant calls to him will be ignored and silly excuses are tendered and soon the customer gets tired and let’s go with Tobito smiling to the banks. Another successful fraud accomplished.

A friend of mine was played and Tobito, believing it to be business as usual, refused to return the funds. After being threatened with the law, half of the funds was sent and he pleaded to be given time to pay the balance and since then, he simply disappeared. Investigation showed this is not is first time, and it is the favourite scam being meted on innocent clients.

Tobito is on the run, but how far can he run before the law catches up to him? Efforts are being made to apprehend him and he will hopefully be caught. For every prospective tourist coming to the Lekki, remember this name OLUWATOBI JONAH SOKEUN aka TOBITO.




Fadeyi Micheal Olugbenga

A Creative and Technical Content writer with a strong bias for using words to address social imbalances.Unrepentant green revolution addict and a Dog -lover.