50years is nothing Bablo.

Fadeyi Micheal Olugbenga
2 min read5 days ago


Teach us to number our days that we might apply our heart to wisdom.

An ancient Hebrew text

On a windy evening sometimes in the April of 1993 , a certain young man tasked with brushing up my weak mathematics in preparation for the approaching common entrance examination sat behind me explaining the complexities behind improper fractions . A long thin branch popularly called “pankere” stayed glued to his hand and hidden from sight, while a stern look was brazenly displayed showing his displeasure at this young man for failing to put his intellect into the second gear to grab the rudiments of basic arithmetic.

Petrified, my brain kept going into park mode as I mentally eyed the pankere well hidden from sight. Periodically, the cain will magically appear to deliver a world of pain to my back and buttocks . I would squirm in pain and ask my self what I could have done to have this particular jailer on my neck.

Well, I passed the exams with my numbers beyond the requisite needed to get into high school or secondary school as we call it here in Nigeria. Thanks to Babalola Ayobami Bolaji, a multi talented thespian, painter, fashion designer and salesman!

The years have dulled the pain and the memories have become hazy but the love remains ever clear and enduring. United in pains over the years as we lost brothers , sisters, cousins, aunts, and grand-folks, we have always found solace in the fellowship and companionship we have enjoyed, and the bonds our mothers l, Matriarch Esther Mofoluwake and Late Mrs Christiana Omolola Fadeyi, both sisters and daughters of Samuel Omidiji infused into us.

Bablo , 50 years is nothing. It is just a start of a new phase of achievement and a new dawn of growth for you Sir. You are loved but that you know already!

Happy Birthday Bablo.

Fadeyi Micheal Olugbenga under the pseudonym Cerebral man on Medium and the Afrocentric Blog : https://dark-africa.blogspot.com/?m=1



Fadeyi Micheal Olugbenga

A Creative and Technical Content writer with a strong bias for using words to address social imbalances.Unrepentant green revolution addict and a Dog -lover.